As we learned in class, Norman Rockwell was an American Painter and Illustrator. In my opinion, Rockwell was an amazing artist. His paintings are so naturalistic and realistic. I say that beause his paintings look very life like, and they depicted what was going on during the time period.
He was successful early on in life. He was only 16 when he was commissioned to paint four Christmas cards. In 1916, he painted his first of many covers for The Saturday Evening Post. He painted a grand total of 321 covers for the Post. That's a lot of paintings!
Rockwell was very interested in what was going on in every day life. Quite often he took very common things and used them to create a meaningful message for the public. Sounds like something we have to do as graphic designers. He received the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, in 1977. I think he greatly impacted how the public viewed life. He made them aware of what was going on around them.

"Without thinking too much about it in specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed." -Norman Rockwell

My parents have prints of several Norman Rockwells. I agree with you that his work is VERY realistic and I think its so well done. You can really "feel" what he was trying to portray in each piece of art work.